Organised by FERLING and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pécs (PTE KPVK), with the professional support of the Hungarian Public Relations Association (HuPRA).

A 2-day conference, networking, and presentation competition

Date: 17-18 October 2024

Venue: Szekszárd, PTE KPVK building and Merops Hotel

Conference topics:

What competencies are needed for effective PR work?

What do agencies expect from young communication professionals?

How can educational institutions prepare students for their practical life?

And what does it look like from the students’ point of view? Is PR an attractive career in 2024?

Good practices and untapped opportunities in university, agency, and organisational collaboration.

This is the puzzle we will solve together with PR professionals from home and abroad, practitioners and aspiring professionals, along with professional programmes, dinner, fun networking activities, wine tasting, and a wine cellar visit.

More details:

Duration: 2 days

Recommended for:

  • PR agencies and its employees
  • Academics in higher education institutions
  • Marketing and Communication graduate students
  • PR and communication professionals in companies and organisations.

Accommodation reservation: Online registration does not include room reservation; however, we provide all the necessary information and assistance under the “PRICES” menu item.

Join us and be part of the event – let’s build the future of the PR profession together!

Network! Join the world of PR!

Discover the programme for the networking day!

Let’s build knowledge together!

Discover the programme of the professional day!

Show your talent!

Student presentation competition for aspiring professionals.